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    Trimble SCS900 ver 3.74 Compatibility Chart of SPS Receivers and Total Stations, TSC3

    Trimble's SCS900 ver 3.74 is the most current filed software for the TSC3 controller (July, 2020). We highly recommend you are running the latest firmware on your GPS, GNSS receivers, radios and robotic total stations. Below is the most current compatibility chart from Trimble for SCS900 3.74 running on a TSC3.

    The firmware version available for free depends on the firmware warranty expiration date of your hardware - noted on the top row of the table (below). 

    If you need to update your firmware and your receiver is within the warranty expiration date, you can download the latest receiver firmware by going to Trimble's Support A-Z page, then locate your receiver model in the list. 

    If your hardware is not within the warranty expiry period, you can purchase the latest version from us. 

    Purchase the latest SPS firmware:

    The price to upgrade your SPS receiver firmware ranges from $450 to $660.
    Firmware updates are processed through Trimble, so please allow up to 48 hours to receive your upgrade (when ordered during normal business hours). You will use either Trimble Installation Manager or WinFlash to install your new firmware.

    Contact us: Request firmware upgrade >>


    Looking to upgrade your TSC3 to SCS900 ver 3.74? 

    The price to upgrade SCS900 to 3.74 ranges from: $750 to $1,150.
    Software upgrades are processed by Trimble so please allow up to 48 hours to process your upgrade (when ordered during normal business hours).   You will use Trimble Installation Manager (TIM) to apply the upgrade to your TSC3.

    We can help. Give us a shout: Request SCS900 3.74 >> 


    SCS900, SPS Hardware Compatibility Table (TSC3)

    Trimble Support Page: Trimble Support A-Z

    To quickly filter for SPS hardware, select "S" from the top of the support page. Then select : Downloads / Latest SPS GNSS Firmware and Utilities, locate your receiver in the list.

    Trimble SPS Support - A-Z Firmware download


     Helpful information, guides and tips:

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