Like many Trimble GNSS receivers, the SPS986 is an option-based product. From the factory, the SPS986 will not function without purchasing and installing option codes.
SPS986 receiver upgrade options range from simple GPS only base station functionality, to what Trimble calls “Premium Precise Rover” which offers centimeter-level accuracy RTK Rover functionality with GPS, Galileo, BeiDou, L1, L2, L5 tracking and of course tilt.
Upgrade options are assigned to the the serial number of the receiver and stored on Trimble’s cloud-based Virtual Warehouse database. Because the database is cloud-based, once you've purchased the option(s) you can install them yourself and skip a trip to the dealer! Options are installed using the Trimble Installation Manager application and are typically available to install within 24 to 48 hours from time of purchase.
Already purchased options can be verified on Trimble License Viewer website >>. Just type your serial number in and all options assigned to that serial number will be listed.
How to Update Your Trimble SPS986 GNSS Receiver:
Upgrade options must be purchased through Positioning Solutions or your local Trimble Construction dealer (SITECH). Once your upgrade option has been activated, you will use Trimble Installation Manager >> (TIM) to update and install.
Note – Some features, including tilt, require a minimum of firmware version 6.0 installed on the SPS986 and may depend on which version of software you are utilizing. Example, Trimble Access 2022 requires that ver 6.10 or later is installed on the SPS986, while Access 2023 requires 6.20 or later.
- With a fully charged battery installed in the SPS986, power on the receiver and connect it to your PC with the Lemo to USB cable (P/N 80751)
- On a Windows PC (or TSC7) connected to the internet, open Trimble Installation Manager
- Select the receiver icon on the left side of the menu then press the Connect button
- Select the COM port on your PC (typically COM 3 Trimble USB)*
- Select install
The process can take a few minutes and the receiver may reboot. Once complete, you are ready to head out to the field.
*Once a connection is established, TIM will check your serial number for available purchased options. Available options will be listed in blue with blue checkmarks. Options already installed are shown in green with green checkmarks.
Additional features in Trimble Installation Manager (for the SPS986):
Not all Trimble receivers can be upgraded using TIM. For example, on the SPS985 receiver, only firmware upgrades are available through TIM. Feature updates and radio setting must be done through the receivers web application, which can also be completed without going to the dealer but may be a bit more complicated for new users.
The latest version of firmware available for your receiver is displayed in the Version window. Note – the version displayed is the version available for your receiver. Newer firmware may not be listed if your software maintenance warranty is out of date.
Tip: To find information on the latest firmware release – disconnect your receiver from TIM, select the refresh button (bottom left of application) then the download button (blue arrow, top right of application). Select your receiver model in the left menu. All firmware versions for that receiver type will be listed (not limited to your maintenance date).
Release notes:
Release notes detail what features have been added to a specific version of firmware as well as detailing any bug fixes. You can select any version of release notes to download by electing the firmware version in the top right window.
Tip: To review the latest release notes – disconnect your receiver from TIM, select the refresh button (bottom left of application) then the download button (blue arrow, top right of application). Select your receiver model in the left menu. All firmware versions (and release notes) for that receiver model will be listed (not limited to your maintenance date).
Radio settings and warranty details:
On the Device information tab you can review additional details about your receiver, including what date your hardware warranty and firmware maintenance expire.
Other details like what version of firmware is currently installed and what version is the oldest that can be installed – which is sometimes useful when troubleshooting.
Your radio configuration is also displayed and can include which frequencies are installed (UHF radios).

SPS986 Upgrade Options Pricelist:
*Prices are shown in USD, based on 2023 prices and are subject to change.
Trimble SPS986 Options List (U.S., 2023) | Part Number | Price USD* |
Option - Premium Precise Rover, SPS986 (Requires v6.00 firmware or greater) | VW50990-14 | $9,607.00 |
Option - Tilt Compensation (INS), SPS986 (Requires v6.00 firmware or greater) | VW50879-67 | $2,261.00 |
Option - Precise Rover, SPS986 | VW50990-12 | $5,199.00 |
Option - Premium Precise Base, SPS986 | VW50990-06 | $4,080.00 |
Option - Precise Base, SPS986 | VW50990-11 | $2,600.00 |
Option - Combo GLN/GAL/BeiDou/Triple Freq, SPS986 | VW51951-80 | $2,826.00 |
Option - GLONAS | VW51951-20 | $1,130.00 |
Option - BeiDou | VW51951-70 | $1,130.00 |
Option - Galileo | VW51951-65 | $1,130.00 |
Option - Triple Freq (L5) | VW51951-25 | $2,261.00 |
Option - Data logging | VW50879-20 | $283.00 |
Firmware Update / Software Maintenance, SPS986 | SPSFW-STK-RNST | $660.00 |
Need to purchase an upgrade for your SPS986 or other Trimble receiver?
Contact us